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NHS clinical support to care homes

20 May 2020

Briefing for care homes§

Primary care and community health services are key to ensuring care homes have the clinical support they need – particularly during the COVID-19 outbreak. The NHS has committed that all care homes will be supported via primary and community support, by 15 May 2020.

The support is modelled on the Enhanced Health in Care Homes initiative which has been running in some areas of the country for some time. The CPA has produced a briefing note which summarises what support should be available, what care homes can do to make the most of the scheme, and who to contact. 

Care home managers should press to be actively involved in decisions about plans and implementation the new arrangements. You can use this note to ensure you get what you need, and enable you to work as an equal partner with your local health colleagues.

The Care Home Support Package published by Government on 15 May includes details on stepping up NHS clinical support to care homes.

This support does not depend on whether your care homes are contracted by the local authority, or the CCG, or if you support self-funders. Every resident is entitled to the same NHS support. 


COVID-19: Stepping up NHS clinical support to care homes – 19 May 2020 – CPA Briefing note

Care home Support Package, Ministerial letter and templates – 15 May 2020 – GOV.UK

NHS England and NHS Improvement letter – 1 May 2020

Enhanced Health in Care Hare Homes§

The following resources, produced as part of the Enhanced Health in Care Homes initiative, may be useful to care home managers in negotiating and developing plans for the new NHS clinical support.

Access to named GP and wider primary care

Enhanced Health in Care Homes planning and resource guide

Multi-disciplinary team (MDT) working with care homes

Vanguard learning guide