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Learning Network on Integrated Care Systems

The new arrangements for Integrated Care Systems offer a real opportunity to meaningfully include adult social care providers as key strategic partners. 

As every area of England seeks to establish their own arrangements, the Care Provider Alliance (CPA) and NHS England are convening a new learning network which will host a series of online sessions exploring emerging practice and innovative models of partnerships working.


Learning Summits§

Integrated workforce planning: Learning from early adopters of the new health and social care workforce plans§

15 November, 11am to 12:30pm

Following the launches of both the Comprehensive Workforce Plan for the NHS and the Social Care (Skills for Care) Workforce Plan, this insightful webinar bought together key stakeholders from across the NHS and Adult Social Care sector.

With the focus on retaining existing talent and maximising the impact of these workforce plans our speakers and expert panel discussed how workforce integration is advancing in our health and social care systems, and shared best practice strategies being implemented to create a sustainable workforce. 

Access recording, presentation and resources


Closing the gap: How ICSs can tackle health and care inequalities for people with learning disabilities and autistic people§

Wednesday 17 April 2024

The establishment of integrated care systems (ICSs) provides an opportunity for greater collaboration between local health and care partners to improve outcomes for adults, children and young people who have a learning disability, or who are autistic. 

This learning summit focused on how ICSs are designing person-centred support where people with learning disability are put at heart of their care and involved in designing solutions that reflect the needs and aspirations of the individual across the life course.

Access recording, presentation and resources


Supported housing and mental health: a core role for ICSs§

Friday 2 February 2024, 11am – 12.30pm

Having a secure and safe place to live is essential to the wellbeing of people living with mental health issues. The right support at the right time can help them to live independently and build a fulfilling life - and it can reduce the need for emergency or acute care.

Integrated Care Systems’ core purposes include improving the health of their local population – including those with mental health issues; tackling inequalities in outcomes and access to health and care, which disproportionately affects those with poor mental health; and supporting broader social and economic development.

This learning summit explored how ICSs and Integrated Care Boards in particular, can bring together housing, social care, primary, community and hospital care to better support local people living with mental health issues.

The session was co-chaired by: Claire Murdoch, National Mental Health Director, NHS England and Ewan King, Chief Executive, Shared Lives Plus and member of the Care Provider Alliance.

The summit included detailed case studies from Yorkshire and North East England, and a discussion panel with the Local Government Association, Housing LIN and HAC.

View a recording of the summit.


Access resources from this learning summit:

Housing and Mental Wellbeing Learning Summit Report

Presentation: slides as a PDF

Useful links


Housing LIN:


Further resources:

Case studies:


Delivering care closer to home: co-designing intermediate care in ICSs§

Wednesday 25 October 2023, 1.30 – 3pm

Intermediate care provides a bridge between hospital and homes at key points in people’s lives and is built on strong partnerships across health and social care. Scaling up intermediate care is an opportunity to draw on skill sets of our multi-professional workforce, meet urgent and emergency care demand, and develop community-based assets. 

Following the publication of NHS England’s Intermediate Care Framework, this learning summit explored how NHS, local authorities and adult social care providers are working together to expand and improve access to high quality, step-down intermediate care. 

The summit included detailed case studies from two intermediate care frontrunner sites - Warwickshire and Croyon; a presentation by the National Care Forum on a 'blueprint' for intermediate care; and an opportunity to pose questions to those leading this work nationally and locally.

Access resources from this learning summit:

Presentations: slides as a PDF

Delivering care closer to home: co-designing intermediate care – Report from learning summit

Warwickshire intermediate care frontrunner case study

One Croydon intermediate care frontrunner case study

Resource pack of useful information and links

View a recording of the session below


Workforce planning across Integrated Care Systems: emerging practice§

Tuesday 6 June 2023, 3-4.30pm on MS Teams

Good quality health and social care is dependent on skilled, well-led and valued staff. Health and care workers have a major impact on the lives of the people they support, and effectiveness of the overall system. Recruitment and retention continue to be major issues for the NHS, local authorities and social care providers – with some areas of the country seeing services close due to lack of safe staffing levels, whilst the need for care and support rises.

This Learning Summit explored the emerging models for joint planning across health and social care at local level. It included examples from Lincolnshire and Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, plus presentations and discussions with people with lived experience, Skills for Care and the NHS England workforce team.

Access resources from this Learning Summit:

Presentation: slides as a PDF

Workforce planning Learning Summit report

Lincolnshire ICS case study

Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent ICS case study

Resource pack of links and useful resources on workforce planning

See also CPA’s collated content on Workforce

View a recording of the session below

Creating the clearest picture: Data sharing across ICSs§

22 March 2023

Integrated Care Systems require reliable data and analytics to effectively remodel and integrate health and care on behalf of local citizens.

All of the partners - from the NHS, local authority, social care, and community services - will have different information systems and competing perspectives on priorities, making it challenging to agree a version of the truth on which to make informed decisions.

This Learning Summit was co-chaired by Ian Turner, Executive Chair, Registered Nursing Home Association and Ming Tang, Chief Data and Analytics Officer, NHS England.

Speakers were: Rachel Power, Chief Executive, The Patient's Association; Deb Gent and Natalie Heaven, Digital Adoption and Transformation in Regulated Care Team, Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership; and Mark Sutton, Chief Digital Officer, Care Quality Commission.

Access all the resources from this Learning Summit:

Presentation: PDF of the slides

Report including key learning points, summary of presentation and Q&A themes

Case study from Lancashire and South Cumbria

Resource pack including useful links and sources of support on data sharing

Watch a recording of the Learning Summit below


Building strategic models of engagement in ICSs§

26 January 2023

This virtual learning summit was held on 26 January 2023, with a focus on developing strategic models of engagement with adult social care providers. 

This session considered the policy and context of ICSs, as well as emerging practice in relation to social care providers’ involvement in local areas. 

The session was jointly chaired by Nadra Ahmed CBE, Chair of the Care Provider Alliance and Executive Chair of the National Care Association, and Sir David Behan, Non-Executive Director of NHS England.

Speakers included: Joe Armer, Department of Health and Social Care; Simon Williams, Local Government Association; Les Jeffs, Avondale Care and Kent Integrated Care Alliance; Michelle Atkinson, Leeds Care Association; Kate Sims, West Yorkshire ICB; AND Rosa Napolitano, Look Ahead.

Download slides from the Learning Summit

Download report from Building strategic models of engagement in ICSs Learning Summit

Case study from Yorkshire and Humber Care Association Alliance approach to regional working

Watch a recording of the Learning Summit