#StarsInMemory: Connected by Care - United by Loss
23 June 2020
Join us on Tuesday 30 June 2020 to unite in loss and commemoration
The Covid 19 pandemic has produced widespread personal loss and tragedy, with the care sector often located at the centre of this. Each person who has died during the pandemic leaves enduring memories amongst their loved ones and those that they have touched in their lives. However, despite the daily statistics, the personal losses remain largely invisible and there have been few opportunities for people to share their grief collectively, or to link this grief to previous and existing loss and bereavement.
As the world moves slowly out of lockdown, we hope to create a moment to connect by care and unite in loss. On June 30th a group of care organisations, led by CPA member the National Care Forum, invites everyone who has experienced loss and bereavement in their lives to connect by making a star and placing it in their window or post on social media under the hashtag #StarsInMemory. Stars can be any size, made in any material and decorated according to individual preference. We have provided a Stars in Memory toolkit, and a downloadable image, to give you some ideas for your commemorative star.
Whilst we recognise that the pandemic is not over, we hope that this mutual act of remembrance will help to recognise the many losses that people have experienced and to make these visible through the metaphorical light cast by the collective stars.
“Loss is a very personal thing and affects us all in many different ways. However, across care we have also felt and responded to this loss as only a community can. Coming together, sharing our strength and sharing our tears. In some small way, we hope that by recognising this loss together, we can show not only our individual pain, but also shine on a light on how we are united in our love, respect and regard for those who are no longer with us”.
Vic Rayner, Executive Director, National Care Forum
We welcome any individuals, groups and organisations joining with us. At present #StarsInMemory is supported by:
Associated Retirement Community Operators
Association for Real Change
Care England
Care Provider Alliance
Care Workers Charity
London Metropolitan University
My Home Life
National Activity Providers Association
Queen’s University Belfast
National Care Association
National Care Forum
Registered Nursing Homes Association
Shared Lives Plus
If you are interested in joining, please contact the National Care Forum at info@nationalcareforum.org.uk. We are adding people and organisations all the time. Or just go ahead and make/post your star for June 30th
Social care staff can access resources to support them following a bereavement via the GOV.UK Website: Bereavement resources for the social care workforce
Media contact: Care Provider Alliance, info@careprovideralliance.org.uk