How to get the most out of inspection: CPA response to CQC guidance
23 July 2020
CQC has come together with partners from across the adult social care sector to set out key principles and a shared understanding so that everyone gets the most out of inspection.
The new document addresses common misunderstandings and describes clear expectations to ensure effective joint working which will ultimately result in better care for people.
Responding to the document, Lisa Lenton, Chair, Care Providers Alliance, said:
"Effective relationships are based on communication and collaboration and we welcome this document that outlines the expectations for both providers and inspectors during an inspection. This has been a joint piece of work between CQC and provider representative bodies to set these key principles to ensure everyone involved gets the most from inspection - most importantly of course, for the benefit people who access care and support services."
The following CPA members contributed to the development of the document:
- ARC England
- Care England
- National Care Association
- National Care Forum
- Shared Lives Plus
- Voluntary Organisations Disability Group
- United Kingdom Home Care Association
- The Associated Retirement Community Operators