Social care workforce investment cut by £250m: CPA response
4 April 2023
On behalf of the Care Provider Alliance and the whole sector, we are disappointed today to hear that the Treasury and Department of Health and Social Care DHSC have taken the decision to cut £250m of social care workforce investment.
What we see time and again is the limitations of urgent funding reaching our frontline staff and money that should be forthcoming being revoked at the last minute.
They fail to understand that their decisions have a direct impact on individuals who need care and support.
The Government’s 10-year vision for the adult social care workforce was set out in the white paper, People at the Heart of Carein December 2021.
The White Paper included this commitment:
“To take us further towards our 10-year vision, this document sets out a range of policies that we will work with the sector and those who draw on care and support to implement over the next 3 years. These include …. at least £500 million so the social care workforce have the right training and qualifications, and feel recognised and valued for their skills and commitment. We want the workforce to also have their wellbeing prioritised.”
The Government’s announcement today (4 April 2023) - Next steps to put people at the heart of care – refers to just
“£250 million of investment in workforce skills, training and career development”.
Government has also launched a consultation to inform the next phase of development of the national care workforce strategy. The call for evidence closes at 11.45pm on 31 May 2023. They plan to publish the first part of the strategy in Autumn 2023. Access the survey via the DHSC website.